focuses in valuing the learning process as much as the results

STEAM Education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. STEAM is an educational discipline that aims to spark an interest and lifelong love of the arts and sciences in children from an early age.
As opposed to traditional models of teaching, educators using the STEAM framework bring the disciplines together, leveraging the synergy between the modeling process and math and science content. Through this holistic approach, students are able to exercise both sides of their brain at once.
Bridging Tradition and Technology....

The goal of science is not to just learn data or facts, or provide answers, but prepare kids to ask questions and seek answers.

Technology is about applying and expressing the scientific knowledge, that provides the preschoolers one more outlets to demonstrate their creativity and learning.

Engineering is beyond building structures and machines, it is about exploring material and applying their scientific thinking, and test structures and designs.

Arts is not equal to crafts. Art is creativity, discovering and defining ingenious ways of problem solving, integrating principles and presenting information.

Mathematics is more than just numbers, it includes the ability to see and create patterns, shapes, as well as organizational skills like graphing and sorting.
STEAM empowers teachers to employ project-based learning that crosses each of the five disciplines and fosters an inclusive learning environment in which all students can engage and contribute.
- Real-world Skills: Moving away from rote memorization and siloed subjects towards a more holistic, project-based curriculum that sparks students’ imagination and develops their real-world skills
- Problem Solving: STEAM approach prepares the kids to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions
- Holistic Approach: STEAM framework brings all the disciplines together, leveraging the synergy between the modeling process and math and science content, allowing students to exercise both sides of their brain at once